Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Social Media Marketing Basic Rules by Steven Fang

Straight to the points, 7 key tricks for the social media marketing:

  1. Share "Whatever" you have done to your business, social media is a hugh network with hugh opportunities, so whatever updates or changes you have done to your business, products, as long as it's not something you believe is confidential to your business planning or development, share it out, it will help your business with some "surprise"
  2. "Listen and Respond", whatever comments you have on your social posts is valuable, it means people who read your shared contents and understand it, these people are valueable, you should treat all the comments seriously, even those criticism, repond to them!
  3. "Watch what others are doing", some successful social media marketing strategy is replicable, learn from the success and do it quickly
  4. Social media is not some tool that could make your business success in one night, you need to stick to your goal and keep practising.
  5. "Content is important", focus on the content, which is the key to push your identity to all your listeners.
  6. "You are not controller anymore", you need to realise that once you start doing social media marketing, you are the owner of your brand, but you are not the owner of your "online identity" any more.
  7. "Everyone is a big advertising company", realise that in the digital space, everyone could be a big advertising company.
These above are my learnings and experiences, hope you could also share your thoughts out~ :) 

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